The story of Maimonides and his legacy crosses centuries, continents, and cultures. Exploring the life and impact of this multifaceted luminary and great Jewish sage, this exhibition presents rare manuscripts and books on loan from famed repositories in Europe, Israel, and the US. Exhibition highlights include manuscripts in Maimonides’s own handwriting, a carved 11th century door to the Torah ark from Cairo’s Ben Ezra Synagogue, and beautifully illuminated medieval manuscripts.

Take the Virtual Tour

The Golden Path: Maimonides Acress Eight Centuries

The exhibition was organized by Yeshiva University Museum and presented in the Museum galleries at the Center for Jewish History from May 9, 2023 through March 3, 2024.

The exhibition and the accompanying exhibition catalogue have been made possible through the generous support of Robert and Debra F. Hartman. Major support has been provided by the Leon Levy Foundation and a private family foundation. Generous support was provided by the Maimonides Fund and the David Berg Foundation. Additional donors to support this exhibition project include the Zoltan Erenyi Charitable Fund, Jack z’l and Judy Rajchenbach, Mark and Shari Coe, and The American-Scandinavian Foundation.

This digital exhibition was organized by Yeshiva University Museum and the Center for Jewish History and was made possible with the generous support of the Jesselson Family and George Blumenthal.

Exhibition Team

David Sclar, PhD
Exhibition Guest Curator

Gabriel M. Goldstein
Interim Director and Chief Curator, YUM
Exhibition Project Director

Ilona Moradof
Associate Director of Administration and Special Projects, YUM
Exhibition Project Manager

Bonni-Dara Michaels
Collections Curator, YUM
Exhibition Registrar

llana Benson
Director of Museum Education, YUM
Exhibition Interpretive Director

Barbara Suhr
Exhibition Designer

Paul Glassman
Director of Cultural and Scholarly Resources,
Yeshiva University

Sharon Liberman Mintz
Exhibition Special Advisor

Yitzhak Graff
Student Assistant, YUM

Sheindl Berger
Student Assistant, YUM

Sean Naftel
Exhibition Services Manager, Center for Jewish History Exhibition Chief Installer

Center for Jewish History

Peter Baldwin, Board Chair
Gavriel Rosenfeld, President
Rio Daniel, CEO
Rachel Miller, Chief of Archive and Library Services