The Center for Jewish History is extremely proud of the last two decades of Fellows. Learn about their experiences, and their research.
CJH-Fordham University Fellow
Antiracism after Hitler: Jews, the State, and the Fight against Racial Discrimination in Western Europe, 1945-1992
Lapidus Graduate Fellow
The Opposite of a Paper Ghetto: A Biography of Five Books Printed by Gershom Soncino, 1490-1534
Bookhalter Graduate Fellow
Jewish Medical Humanitarianism in North Africa from the 1940s to the 1960s
NEH Scholar in Residence
Our Towns: Jews and Germans and Post-Holocaust Memory in the Federal Republic
Lapidus Graduate Fellow
The Road to Trans-South American Divorce: Jews, Family, and the Rise of the Immigrant Nation (1853-1955)
Visiting Scholar
The New Public History of Eugenics
Lapidus Graduate Fellow
Sexual Dissidence, Jewishness, and American Radicalism, 1900-1930
Bookhalter Graduate Fellow
The 1970s’ New Jewish Politics: Grassroots Orthodox Activism in the U.S.
Visiting Scholar
Zionism and the Hebrew Bible: A Cultural History of Jewish Nationalism
Rifkind Graduate Fellow
Healing After Violence: Jewish Pogrom Aid and Its Role in Bolshevik State Building, 1917-1924
Short-Term Research Fellow
Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany and International Migration Management
Vivian J. Prins Artistic Residency
Mechitza: Individual and Collective Resistance of Women During the Shoah
Bookhalter Graduate Fellow
Protecting the Jewish Daughters:” The Economics of Sex Work and Mobility between the 1870s and 1939
Bookhalter Graduate Fellow
Justice Pursued: Jewish Survivors’ Struggle for Holocaust Justice in Displaced Persons Camp Föhrenwald, 1945-1957
CJH-Fordham University Fellow
Daoism and Capitalism: Modern German-Jewish Philosophy's Encounter with China
NEH Scholar-in-Residence
The Pluralist: A Life of Horace M. Kallen
Bookhalter Graduate Fellow
Still Small Voices: Religious Thought and Practice among ‘Lithuanian’ Jewish Women Between the World Wars
CJH-Fordham University Fellow
Realigning Faith: American Jews, Protestants, and Israel, 1945 – 2020
Lapidus Graduate Fellow
The Cultural History of Friendship in the Early Modern Iberian World
CJH-Fordham University Fellow
Race, Religion, and Immigration: How Jews, Catholics, and Protestants Faced Mass Immigration, 1882-1924
Graduate Fellow
From Loss to Invention: Galician Jews Between New York and East Central Europe, 1890-1938
Short-term Research Fellow
Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany and International Migrations Management
Vivian J. Prins Artistic Residency
Mechitza - Herstory
Graduate Fellow
“Protecting the Jewish Daughters;” Sex Work, Mobility, and Gender Geographies of Power between the 1870s and 1930s
Graduate Fellow
Justice Pursued: Jewish Survivors’ Struggle for Holocaust Justice in Displaced Person Camp Fohrenwald, 1945-1957
Graduate Fellow
Producing New Women: Work and Consumer Culture in the Wilhelmine Jewish Garment Trade
NEH Scholar-in-Residence
Jewish Museums Lost and Found
Sid Lapidus Curatorial Fellow
Jewish Graffiti: Hidden Histories
Short-term Research Fellow
Portuguese Jews and Iberian-North American Trade Relations in Colonial Times: The Case of Aaron Lopez (1731-1782)
Short-term Research Fellow
No Enemies to the Right: The Far Right, the Conservative Movement, and the Right-Wing Popular Front
Graduate Fellow
Cultivating High Society: American Jews Engaging European Opera in New York, 1880-1940
NEH Scholar-in-Residence
The Dissemination and Uses of the Jewish Past: The Role of the Present in the Production and Politics of History
Graduate Fellow
Displaying Art and Exhibiting Philanthropy: Jews, Genders, and Museums in the United States, 1888 -1958
CJH-Fordham University Fellow in Jewish-Christian Relations
Jewish and Christian Passover Seders as Sites of Interfaith Engagement
Graduate Fellow
Yiddish Anarchist Press and Literature 1890-1918
Graduate Fellow
Jews in Cross-Confessional Legal Cultures in Germany ,1500-1700
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
Kabbalah and the Founding of America: Christian Uses of Jewish Thought in the Nascent Republic
Graduate Fellow
Keyner iz nit fargesn: Soviet Yiddish culture and the Holocaust in the Jewish Cold War, 1941– 1991
Graduate Fellow
When Climate Takes Command: Jewish-Zionist Scientific Approaches to Climate in Palestine, 1900-1967
Graduate Fellow
Expanding the Borders of Holiness: The History of the Postwar Haredi Landscape
Graduate Fellow
Another Nation: Israel, American Jews, and Palestinian Rights, 1949-1977
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
Women Who Wrote Yiddish Prose Fiction in the Middle of the 20th Century
Graduate Fellow
The Invention of the ‘Judeo-Christian Tradition:’ the Nation-State, the Synagogue and the Christian Churches in France, from Napoleon to the Vichy Regime, 1806-1940
Graduate Fellow
Imagining Emigration: Crossing the Borders of Russian Jewry during the Era of Mass Migration, 1881-1917
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Conservative Patriotic Jews and the Nation: A Comparative Study of France, Germany, and Italy from 1918 to 1940
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
American Jewish Survivalism: Meir Kahane and the Politics of Pride
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
Between Democracy and Dictatorship: Jewish Politics and National Identity in Brazil, 1945-1985
Visiting Scholar
Teaching American Jewish Literature
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Between 'Judeo-Christians' and 'Sons of Abraham': Jews, Christians, and Muslims in France and its North African Colonies from the Beginning of the Twentieth Century to the Present Day
American Academy for Jewish Research Postdoctoral Fellowship in American Jewish Studies
The History of the American Academy for Jewish Research
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Visions of Vienna: Jewish Presence and Absence in the Aftermath of Genocide
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
The Fight against Antisemitism and Its Impact on Jewish-Catholic Relations (1914-1945)
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Forgotten Alternatives: Jewish Territorialism as a Movement of Political Action and Ideology (1905-1960)
Taube/Koret Early Career Scholars Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Economic Turn in Jewish Wissenschaft in Revolutionary Russia
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
The American Yiddish Press and the Reconstruction of Jewish Gender, 1897-1935
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Harmonious Instability: (Mixed) Dancing and Partner Choice in German-Jewish and Yiddish Literature
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
German Jewish Women in the Czech Lands after the End of World War II: Emigration in Gendered Perspective
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Wise Women': Gender, Religion, Medicine and the Boundaries of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
From Spoken Word to the Discourse of the Academy: Reading the Sources for the Teachings of the Besht
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
The Navel of the Dream: Freud's Jewish Languages
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
The Fight against Antisemitism and Its Impact on Jewish-Catholic Relations (1914-1945)
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
Ein kleines Café in New York: The 'Wienerlied' in New York Exile
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
Legacy of Blood: Jews, Pogroms, and Ritual Murder in the Lands of the Soviets
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
The Claims Conference, the State of Israel, and the Diaspora: 1952-1964
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Of Dubnov and Doikayt: Folkism and the Discourse of Jewish Belonging in Interwar Lithuania
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Once the 'Only True Austrians': Jewish-Austrian Memory and Identity after the World War
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Scientific Authority and Jewish Law in Eighteenth-Century Italy
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Navigating the Civil and Religious Worlds: Jewish Immigrants & Marital Laws in France and the United States, 1881-1939
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Catholic Missions and Jewish Conversions in Modern Period Lithuania: Transformations of the Phenomena
Taube/Koret Early Career Scholars Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
From German Jews to Jewish Greeks: Student Refugees in American Universities, 1933-1945
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Between Budapest and New York: A History of Hungarian Jews, 1890s to 1920s
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Return to Sepharad: Making Modern Spain Jewish
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
The Rise of a New Judaism in Latin America
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
You Are What You Wear: Polish and Jewish Visual Nationalization through Fashion in the Partitioned Poland (1848-1918)
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Photographic Archives, Nationalism and the Foundation of the Jewish State: 1903-1948
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Shtarkers of Progressive Era New York: Labor, Masculinity and Crime in the Age of Mass Migration, 1900-1920
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
A Tale of Two Cantors: Cantor David Lefkowitz and the Musical Masterpieces of David Nowakowsky
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Modeling the Temple: The Politics of German Jewish Biblical Hermeneutics
Steinberg Emerging Jewish Filmmaker Fellowship
Anti-Semitism as a Factor in the Decision-Making Process of Weimar Judiciary: Towards a Solution to the Judiciary Political Bias Paradox
Cahnman Senior Scholar Fellowship
The Weight of an Epoch: Yiddish Modernism and the Dislocation of German Modernity in the Weimar Era
Visiting Scholar
The Ethnic and Cultural Origins of Zionism: History, Memory and Utopia
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Jewish Culture and the Logic of the State: 1772-1860
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
City of Dreams: Czernowitz at the Crossroads of Empires, 1875-1975
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Humanitarian Responses to Jewish Suffering Abroad by American Jewish Organizations, 1914-1929
Undergraduate Fellowship
Prins Senior Scholar Fellowship
Tiszaeszlár: The History of a Cult Image
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
A Polish Shtetl after the Holocaust? The History of the Jewish Community and Polish-Jewish Relations in Dzierzoniow, 1945-1968
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
'Revolutions of Thought and Sensibility': Hungarian-speaking Jewry in the Years of Rupture, 1896-1923
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Telling Dangers: Sakana as a Window into Early Modern Halakha
Mirvis Family Fellowship
May It Displease the Court: Jewish Lawyers and the Democratization of American Law
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
The Circulation and Use of Anti-Semitism during the Interwar Period: The Case of Intransigent Catholic Networks (1917-1945)
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
Religious and Secular Liturgies: The German Language in Modern Jewish History
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
What to Expect When You're not Expecting: A Poetic History of Jewish Women Writers
Lapidus Summer Fellowship
'The Jewish Problem Is a Christian Problem': American Jewish, Liberal Protestant, and Evangelical Interfaith Zionist Relations
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Space as a Tool of Power and a Weapon of Survival: A Study of Spatial Tactics used by People of Jewish Descent during the Nazi Occupation (1939-1945) in Warsaw
Prins Foundation Fellowship for Emigrating Artists and Writers-in-Residence
An Archive of My Own
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
Saving Yiddish: Yiddish Studies and the Language Sciences in America, 1940-1970
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Common Sensibilities: Religion and Secularism in Modern Egypt
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Jewish Culture and the Logic of the State: 1772-1881
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
Traditionalist Jewish Women in Eastern Europe: Revising the Secularization Paradigm in Light of the Guttmacher Kvitlekh
Prins Senior Scholar Fellowship
The Whole Child's Life: An Analysis of Austrian Child Holocaust Survivor Audio Testimonies
Visiting Scholar
At Wit's End: Jewish Jokes, Anti-Semitism, and the Jewish Question from Weimar Germany to the Holocaust
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
After Safed: Jewish Spiritual Guidance (Musar) in the Seventeenth Century
Undergraduate Fellowship
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Reinventing Assimilation: Jewish Identity and National Culture in Interwar Hungarian
Mirvis Family Fellowship
May It Displease the Court: Jewish Lawyers and the Democratization of American Law
Israel Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship
Out from Zion: Jewish Emigration from Palestine and Israel, 1945-1960
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Social Roles of Ethnography for Jews in Interwar Poland
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
From Dust to Deeds: Community, Family, and the Commercialization of New York Jewish Burial, 1750-1950
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Approaches to Jewish Childrearing and Education in America During the Baby Boom, 1945-1967
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
Rebuilding Lives: Italian and German Jews after the Holocaust
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Reinventing Assimilation: Jewish Identity and National Culture in Interwar Hungarian
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
I am a Jewish DP. A Jew from the Eternal Nowhere.? The Jews from Poland in the Displaced Persons Camps of Western Germany: Encounters with Poles and Memories of Poland, 1945-1946
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Rebuilding and Remembering: Women and the Family Life of Holocaust Survivors in Displaced Persons Camps, the United States, and Israel between 1945 and 1960
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
Reviving Enlightenment in the Age of Nationalism: Hans Kohn's Anti-Fascist Ideology
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
In All Directions: The Polish-Jewish Refugee Crisis and the Shape of the Jewish World in the 17th Century
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Between Cooperation and Competition: American Jewish and Protestant Zionists, 1939-1977
NEH Senior Scholar Fellowship
Protocols of Justice: Marriage, Family and Community in Early Modern France
Steinberg Emerging Jewish Filmmaker Fellowship
Radical Judaism in a Radical Campus: The Emergence of a New Jewish Community at Oberlin College
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Jews and the Russo-Japanese War: The Triangular Relationship between Jewish POWs, Japan, and Jacob H. Schiff
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
European Jews and the Question of Wagnerism
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
He Will Flourish like a Cedar in Lebanon: The Life and 'After-Life' of Moses Hayyim Luzzatto
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
What Difference Does the Difference Make? Horace Kallen, Alain Locke, and the Birth of Cultural Pluralism
Steinberg Emerging Jewish Filmmaker Fellowship
Survival in Eastern Siberia: The Other Jewish Side
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
American Jewish Communists, Anti-Fascism, and the Shaping of Ethnic Culture in the International Workers Order, 1930-1956
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Soviet History, Jewish Fate: The War Writings of S. An-sky, Isaac Babel, and Vasily Grossman, 1914-1948
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Wartime Planning, Postwar Response: UNESCO and the Renewal of Jewish Libraries, Books and Reading in Post-Holocaust, Early Cold War Europe, 1944-56
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
Possessed by the Other: Spirit Possession as Modern Jewish Identity: Dybbuk Possession Trope in 20th and 21st Century Jewish Literature and Beyond
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Jewel of a Sephardic Empire: A Social and Cultural History of Colonial Jamaican Jewry, 1670-1820
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
Between Court Jew and Jewish Court: David Oppenheim, the Prague Rabbinate, and 18th-Century Jewish Politics
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Jewish Emigrants from Poland to Palestine, 1924-1928 (As an Example for a Transnational Migration of Polish Jews)
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
The Slansky Affair: Czechoslovak Political Purge Trials of 1952
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
American Jews and the Politics of Medicine in the Post-World War II Era
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Post-WWII American Judaism: How Judaism Became an American Religion
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Chevrolets to Budapest: Transnational Cooperation and a Jewish Aid Regimen for the Cold War
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Feeding Identity: Romanian Jewish Immigrants in New York City and Montreal, 1890-1939
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
The Museum of the Jews: Ethnography and Literature about Jews in the 20th Century
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
Eastern European Jewry under Occupation, 1915-1918: Practice and Experience
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Heart of the Diaspora: French Jewry in Conflict During the Algerian War, 1954-1967
Lillian Goldman Fellowship
Sholem Schwarzbard: Life and Times of a Yiddish Assassin
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Jews' Indian: Native Americans in the Jewish Imagination and Experience, 1824-1945
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Unclean Lips: Obscenity and the Jews in North American Literature and Culture
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
Modern, Jewish, and Female: Politics of Culture, Ethnicity, and Sexuality in Poland and Lithuania, 1918-1939
Cahnman Foundation Fellowship
Fractures and Fissures in Jewish Communal Autonomy in Hamburg and Altona, 1750-1811
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Culture, Commerce, and the City: Aby Warburg, Ernst Cassirer, and Erwin Panofsky in Hamburg, 1919-1933
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Imperial Hybrids: Russian Jewish Converts in the 19th Century
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Elderly in the Ghettos: A Study of Lodz, Vilna, and Riga, 1939-1944
Morris & Alma Schapiro Fellowship
La Nacion: Reconstructing Jewish Identity in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Envisioning the Jewish Family: Children, Gender and Identity in Postwar France, 1944-1954
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Musical Migration from Germany to America, 1930s-1940s: The History of German-Jewish Composers in America
Memorial Foundation Fellowship
History of the Jewish Cultural Reconstruction Organization
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Collect and Record! Help Write the History of the Latest Destruction! Jewish Historical Commissions in Europe 1943-1953
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Red Star on the Jewish Street: The Reshaping of Jewish Life in Soviet Minsk
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Shuttered Memories of a Vanishing World: The Deliberate Photography of Roman Vishniac and its Effect on Modern Jewish Subconsciousness
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Modern Jewish Culture at the Crossroads: A Case Study of Jewish Socialism, Diaspora, Nationalism, and Yiddishism, 1905-1940
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Rabbinic Authority in late Imperial Russia, 1905-1917
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Afterlives: Translation of German Weltliteratur into Yiddish
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Men: American Jews and American Religious Pluralism, 1941-1960
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
German or "Jargon"?: Jewish Language Writing and Assimilation
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Jewish Women during turn-of-the-century Vienna: A Study in Gender Construction
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Creation of a Jewish Cartoon Space in the Yiddish Presses of New York and Warsaw, 1894-1939
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Reclaiming Spinoza: The Heretic from Amsterdam in Modern Jewish Culture, 1832-1918
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Mother Tongue: Turkish-Jewish Ideologies of Language and Kinship
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Integration of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and the Popular Perception of the Holocaust in the US
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
A People within and without: Sephardic Jewish Communities and Commerce in the 17th and 18th Century Dutch Atlantic World
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Reconstructing America: Diaspora Jewish Nationalism in American Jewish Thought, 1900-1950
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Enduring Ghetto: Urban Renewal and the Jews in Modern Prague and Warsaw (Bridging Jewish and architectural history)
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Becoming Authorities: Jews, Writing, and the Dynamics of Affiliation, 1890-1940
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Jewish Diaspora and the First World War: Germany and the US
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
The Role of Music as Means of Jewish Social and Cultural Modernization in late Imperial Russia
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Jewish DP Youth and Zionism in Post-War Germany
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Choreographing Identity: Modern Dance and American Jewish Identity 1923-1964
Dr. Sophie Bookhalter Fellowship in Jewish Culture
Jewish Women during turn-of-the-century Vienna