Reading Room
Mon-Thurs: 9:30am-4:30pm

Genealogy Institute
Mon-Thurs: 9:30am-4:30pm

Free Exhibit Spaces
Sun–Thurs: 9:30am–4:30pm
Fri: 9:30am-3:30pm
Sat: Closed

Ruth's Bookstore
Sun–Thurs: 10:30am-6:30pm
Fri: 10:30am-4:00pm

Make sure to check our holiday closures prior to visiting.

Last entry to the Center for Jewish History Exhibitions, Reading Room, and the Genealogy Institute is 30 minutes before closing. The last call to page items in the Reading Room and Genealogy Institute is 3pm.

The Center for Jewish History is proud to offer educational resources to secondary school teachers on the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust.  The resources are meant to enable teachers to address difficult questions sparked by the recent surge of antisemitism in the wake of the October 7th, 2023 terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel.  The links below present the recommendations by the office of New York Governor Kathy Hochul as well as programs produced by the Center for Jewish History and its member partners. 

New York State Recommended Resources

Anti-Hate in Education Center Annual Convening on Antisemitism

CJH Resources

Programs on Antisemitism Prior to World War II through Present Day
Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges
Fighting Fascism: Jewish Responses from the Interwar Period to the Present presented with the American Jewish Historical Society
White Noise
Between Antisemitism and Activism: The Jewish University Experience in Historical Perspective
Combating Antisemitism on Campus Through K-12 Jewish Identity Education {Insert Link after program}

Anne Frank in History and Memory Program Series

The Many Lives of Anne Frank with Ruth Franklin
When We Flew Away: A Novel of Anne Frank Before the Diary with Alice Hoffman
The Anne Frank Gift Shop {Insert Link}


How Jews Became Citizens: Highlights from the Sid Lapidus Collection


Section to be developed

CJH Partner Resources

Antisemitism as a Pillar of Fascism with John Ganz and Gavriel D. Rosenfeld presented by the Leo Baeck Institute

Last Stop Before the Last Stop: Theresienstadt 1942-1945 presented by the Leo Baeck Institute
Beba Epstein:The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Girl presented by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Yitskhok Rudashevski: A Teenager’s Account of Life and Death in the Vilna Ghetto presented by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Emma Lazarus Project Explores the story of Emma Lazarus, a fifth-generation American Jew caught in an important turning point in American and Jewish History. Presented by the American Jewish Historical Society.
1938Projekt Lesson plans for Middle and High School presented by the Leo Baeck Institute
Theresienstadt Lesson plans for High School presented by the Leo Baeck Institute
YIVO Learning and Media Center  Students learn about archives, Jewish history, and the value of primary sources. Presented by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research